Designed for anyone who works with children, including teachers, carers and event teams, this training course teaches the fundamentals to identifying and understanding the need that sits behind behaviour and responding positively.
People are separate from their behaviour – we all behave differently according to how we are feeling at a particular time. This unique course helps practitioners to separate the child from their behaviour, recognise the need behind the behaviour and learn how to move forward. Attendees are given a range of practical tools they can use to support children to self regulate and achieve better outcomes. Research has found that children who can self regulate early, achieve higher results and do better in life than those with higher IQ's who are unable to self regulate.
Turn challenging behaviour into an opportunity to learn, empower children to express their feelings appropriately and manage their own behaviour.
Having used the tools for over 30 years, with thousands of children, in many different situations, we know they work!
Currently available as a face-to-face or webinar workshop, our online course is launching soon.