Janthea Brigden shares “tales” about working in the event childcare industry and gives useful “tips” for childcare professionals and parents.
New mother, Tayana Simons, shares her first-hand experience and challenges of breastfeeding in this guest blog.
Babywearing has been practiced throughout history and still is across the world, so what are the benefits to wearing your baby in a sling or carrier?
The first 40 days of motherhood are revered and protected as a special time in many cultures around the world. What can we learn from time-honoured traditions to help mothers in this pivotal transition?
In a world of TikTok and Netflix, the battle for our children's attention span is constant. But is there anything we can do to improve it?
Pregnancy is one of the most transformative times in a woman’s life which can also bring stress, but too much can be harmful for you and the baby.
Suicide rates for young men have doubled in the past decade. We delve into how we can teach boys to recognise and express their emotions and ask for help.
As schools go back across the UK, Janthea explores whether or not our education system is fit for purpose, and how the government could adapt it for future generations.
Music is a powerful force whatever the age, but did you know it can actually change the structure of your child's brain?
Whilst we probably wouldn't post a photo of our friend on Facebook without their consent, when it comes to sharing photos of our children, we often don't give it a second thought.
We teach children to give others personal space, but how often do we give a thought to invading theirs?
A traumatic birth has been long thought to only affect mothers but it can have short and long-term impacts on the baby too.
Whether or not you need routine for your baby is a contentious topic among new parents, but do babies actually benefit from rigid routines?
Research shows that dads being more involved with their newborns has many mutual benefits. Here are some of the reasons Dad-time is important.
We all understand the many benefits of exercise for physical health but how does being active affect our children's brains?
What is the difference between praise and validation? And how can we use the power of validation to make our children feel more secure and self-confident?
Whilst it may seem like a bit of harmless fun, is this surveillance-like tradition harming children?
It can be a traumatic experience to become separated from a child. These are some of the after-effects you and the child may feel, and how to manage them.
Halloween can be a frightening experience for some children. Here are some fun tips for making it fear-free for children of all ages!
As we celebrate 30 years, we share some of our favourite memories over three decades of running a childcare company.
For most of human history, parents have slept close to their babies, yet co-sleeping has become frowned upon in modern day society. Are there benefits to co-sleeping and how can we do it safely?
Long-term breastfeeding is the term used to describe breastfeeding your child for longer than the first 12 months. Although not always culturally accepted in our society, it is likely to have many benefits.
What is it that makes stuffed animals such an important part of childhood? And do they serve an important emotional and developmental purpose?
It is amazing how often we inadvertently tell children they’ve ‘failed’. Here are five easy ways we can 'reframe' failure to motivate and empower our children.
Often the language we use can unintentionally demoralise and put children down. So why do we do it, and how can we avoid using unnecessarily negative language with our children?
Taking measured risks can help children grow psychologically and socially, so should we let them take risks? And how can we do it safely?
Why shouldn’t we use words such as ‘good’ or ‘bad’ when talking about children and their actions?
If it is illegal and morally unacceptable to strike another adult then why is it still acceptable to smack a child?
Toddler tantrums are inevitable but the way that you deal with them can make a big difference. So what can we do to help our children?
Research is uncovering many physical and mental health benefits to going barefoot. So isn't it time we started to introduce barefoot play into our childcare settings?
Research has shown the many physical and psychological benefits of spending time outdoors. So shouldn't more of our children's learning be done outside too?
How comfortable would you feel handing your baby or toddler to a male Early Years professional?
Is the science we need to understand the developing brain already shown to us daily in the natural behaviours of children?
Did you know that engaging in imaginative play actually helps children’s brains to grow? Here are some other ways in which it helps, and tips on how to do it best!
One man’s fear is another man’s excitement and so it is for children returning to school. Some can’t wait to go back and others may be feeling anxious. Here are 10 useful tips for easing the transition from home to school.
Festival season is here again and it's a great opportunity for Family Fun and reconnecting. These simple, practical tips will help ensure enjoyment for all!
Are you wondering how to keep the family happy and occupied this half term? Here are some ideas and thoughts that will help.
"Fine" is a frustrating and frequent response parents hear when asking about their child's day. Here are 8 ways parents can support their children to move beyond just "fine" and tell you how they're really feeling.
Research shows that playing and laughter release natural chemicals in the body (endorphins) which make us feel good! They relieve stress, promote well being and even reduce aches and pains.
Renewing friendships after being apart for so long, potentially needing to 'catch up' on schoolwork, coping with bubbles, masks and growing up.
Telling people what they CAN do rather than what they can't, is more likely to achieve the desired result!
If you are locked down with a toddler, I envy you! That probably sounds mad, but I really do!
When this period of enforced home schooling is over, what do you hope will be your best achievement?
When you discover your child has a learning difficulty, it's hard to know how to cope. My tips from first hand experience!
How does the language we use affect children's self-confidence and self-worth?
A desert rat or Prince Ali? What can Disney's Aladdin teach children about self-worth?
We're at the end of the first full week of 2019 already - but how many of those resolutions that were made at the end of 2018 are still intact and being observed? This year, Nipperbout's Janthea Brigden has taken an alternative view of planning...
What is the true spirit of Christmas - and what is the true nature of giving? Nipperbout's Janthea Brigden scrutinises the issue - with the help of those closest to her...
Event organisers are putting the finishing touches to the next round of public events aimed at taking us through Hallowe’en, Bonfire night, Diwali and on to the festive season. Beyond content, performers, infrastructure and pricing though, how much thought – and action – have they put into Lost Child care? It’s a serious consideration, as Nipperbout's Co-founder Janthea Brigden points out...
Last month Nipperbout's Janthea Brigden began a two part blog about the notion of "Good" and "Bad" in children. In this second part, she looks at exterior stimuli and how they shape the next generation. If practices widely used in the adult world to manage behaviour and performance, why shouldn't they also be used with younger people?
The concepts of "Good and "Bad" are easy enough to understand as opposites - but what do they mean in terms of children and their behaviour - and are they absolutes? In the first of a two-part blog, Nipperbout's co-founder Janthea Brigden gves her view, based on over a quarter of a century of professional experience...
The summer holidays are with us - but the process of travelling - particularly with little ones - can be made a lot simpler and less stressful by following Janthea Brigden's top ten tips...
On the face of it it's a strange concept to consider - and yet it's one with which Nipperbout's Co-Founder Janthea Brigden is very comfortable with. Responding to something debated recently in the media - with a degree of sensationalism - Janthea puts the case for a fundamental part of the Parent-Baby relationship...
In this month's blog, Nipperbout's Co-Founder, Janthea Brigden sets out what it takes to become one of the company's famed Purple People. Known throughout the industry, they are the kind of can-do individuals who bring so much joy - and learning - to the little ones.
Is Mother’s Day just commercial bunkum? Nipperbout's co-founder Janthea Brigden takes a modern day look at a centuries old institution and asks who it is that REALLY needs to be reminded about mothers and what they do...
It's a quarter of a century since one of the most reviled child murders of modern times - the death of James Bulger shocked the nation. In this additional blog Janthea Brigden suggests that something needs to be done at the highest level to protect children - and those who seek to protect them...
Were you aware of SID recently? Safer Internet Day aims to highlight the use of the technology in general and the internet in particular. Here, Janthea Brigden looks at how following a few simple steps can truly transform the experience of cyberspace into something far more secure for our children, and something far more reassuring for us as parents and grandparents...
Are you trying to keep New Year Resolutions? As 2018 begins, Nipperbout's Janthea Brigden looks forward with a few top tips that are not only essential to surviving the coming days, but also everything that year brings with it...
In this, her final blog of the year, Janthea offers a suggestion as to how, with a change of attitude to our 24/7, constantly online world we might dis-engage with technology and re-engage with family and friends, to the longer term benefit of all.
In this month's article, Janthea gives timely advice to public event organisers about their legal responsibilities regarding young people, as well as how to best protect themselves and their organisations.
The Nipperbout team has been working in Spain and Italy recently - here, I reflect on what we've been learning by doing so...
Our continued work with the people of the Grenfell Tower community has been paying dividends in a wider sense than we first envisaged. Here, I look back on that work as well as ahead to some of the challenges that are still to be encountered - and which Nipperbout has already been preparing that community for...
Nipperbout is in the process of bringing support to some the families caught up in the Grenfell Tower fire diaster - it's also helping the helpers...
2017 has already been a milestone year for me, because it was twenty-five years ago that the embryonic version of what has since become Nipperbout first saw the light of day. And what a ride it’s been to have reached this far.
When we become 'emotionally flooded' we loose the power to think clearly. Here are some useful tips for when our children are in meltdown mode!
When terrible things happen, our instinct is to gather our children close, but is that really helpful in the long run?
Regognising the signs, acknowledging the feelings and above all, listening to your child, is key.
Mobile crèches have unique challenges, minimise the risks with some simple checks.
Recommended strategies for looking after and talking to children seem so logical and obvious to me, that I struggle to understand why they aren’t universally practiced in 2017!
Same sex toilets, same sex clothes, 75 facebook gender choices and a choice of pronouns - gender has never been so confusing!
Understanding the issues and making small, reasonable changes can make a world of difference to a deaf child!
Stopping children eating sweets is easy. You just have to care enough to say 'no'!
How often is your body language and facial experssion at odds with the words you are saying? If we send out a 'mixed message' then children will struggle to know what we want!
Listening to customers, staying true to our ethos, embracing change and constantly up dating procedures, is just part of the formula!
There is no set receipe for parenting. A little bit of this and a little bit of that, is what produces a unique, individual!
Uncle Bill's advice - ask yourself, "Will they still be doing it when they are 21?" If the answer is 'no', stop worrying about it!